anu cms login
Want to get into the “anu cms login” and looking for more detailed information, Here are the listed pages that you can access.
Access and Logging in. CMS access is via Single Sign On. If you are accessing CMS using a non ANU network, enter your UID and password to log in. If you encounter issues accessing CMS contact your relevant College/School administrator for assistance. Support Contacts. Key College contacts.
To access CMS, you must have a current University ID and Horus Password and an activated CMS user profile and be assigned at least one CMS role. If you are accessing the CMS using a non ANU network, please enter your UID and Horus Password to Log in.
Curriculum Management System. Please note that the CMS is unavailable between 12am – 6am every Thursday for system maintenance. Link to CMS Login page. IMPORTANT NOTE: You can now use Google Chrome (v77 or later), Firefox (v68 or later) or Safari (V12 or later) when working in CMS.
Link to CMS Login page. IMPORTANT NOTE: You can now use Google Chrome (v77 or later), Firefox (v68 or later) or Safari (V12 or later) when working in CMS. There are known data integrity issues when CMS is used with other browsers including (but not limited to) Microsoft IE or Edge. Guidelines.
Curriculum Management System
Curriculum Management System –
How do I log in to CMS? Once a CMS account has been activated for you, go to access is via Single Sign-On using your University ID (e.g. u1234567) and HORUS Password.
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