ctmh consultant login
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Sign In | Close To My Heart
In the event that items are missing from your order, please contact your Close To My Heart Consultant. (If you are a Close To My Heart Consultant, you may call Consultant Services.) Missing items must be reported to Close To My Heart no later than 90 days from the date the order is shipped. Please do not duplicate the request.
Stamped Blessings
Continue reading Close To My Heart’s Boxing Week sale — in full swing! Posted on December 27, 2021 by cmfranco Posted in CTMH, specials Merry Christmas! Wishing you love, peace and joy not just today, on Christmas Eve and tomorrow morning, but the whole year long. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my blog — I appreciate it.
consultant | Make It from Your Heart
Consultants not only have an amazing business opportunity and get early access to new products, they belong to the Close To My Heart family. This is a special group of people that supports and encourages you however you decide to use your Close To My Heart business, whether it’s to fund your own crafting fun or to reach other goals.
GIRLplusPAPER • Andrea Sherman, Close To My Heart …
Andrea Sherman, Close To My Heart Independent Consultant. My Daisy Meadows Workshop Guide is hot off of the presses! CTMH really hit it out of the park with this sweet, yet sophisticated, Daisy Meadows paper suite.
Gigglin’ Hearts
White Cardstock 2-3/4″ x 4″. Its really very easy to make. Score the Capri Cardstock first. Fold it in half. Add the additional piece of Capri Cardstock to the front of the scored portion. Be sure to only adhere adhesive to the first section on the scored piece. Fold that flap and rest it against the post-its.
I used colored pencils for my birds, borrowing heavily (or maybe downright stealing) the colors from fellow CTMH Maker Trina Wirihani. The only other supply used here was the middle size frame of the Stitched Rectangle Thin Cuts. My colors here are Nectarine, Lemonade, and Green Apple. I also used the Floral Background Thin Cut.
Brenda Rose, CTMH Presidential Founder – YouTube
I am a Close To My Heart Presidential Founder and Independent Maker, and I would love to show you new techniques and ideas! Please don’t
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